Top "Quartz-core" questions

Quartz Core is the framework that includes Core Animation, Core Image, and Core Video

Bordered UITextView

I want to have a thin gray border around a UITextView. I have gone through the Apple documentation but couldn't …

ios quartz-core
How to make a circular UIView

I want to make a UIView or UIImageView that is a circle. Or a circle that i can change the …

iphone uiview uiimageview geometry quartz-core
CALayer with transparent hole in it

I have a simple view (left side of the picture) and i need to create some kind of overlay (right …

ios objective-c calayer quartz-core
Customize UITextfield of the UISearchbar - iOS

I'm trying to customize the textfield for the UISearchbar. The picture below shows my half done work. I have subclasses …

ios uitextfield uisearchbar quartz-core
iOS: what's the fastest, most performant way to make a screenshot programmatically?

in my iPad app, I'd like to make a screenshot of a UIView taking a big part of the screen. …

ios performance core-graphics graphicscontext quartz-core
redraw a custom uiview when changing a device orientation

If I draw my chart inside - (void)drawRect:(CGRect)rect is just enough to set [_chartView setContentMode:UIViewContentModeRedraw] and …

ios uiview core-graphics quartz-core
How to draw radial gradients in a CALayer?

I know CAGradientLayer doesn't support radial gradient at the moment and only has option of kCAGradientLayerAxial. I want something like …

ios objective-c calayer quartz-core
Make an UIImage from a CMSampleBuffer

This is not the same as the countless questions about converting a CMSampleBuffer to a UIImage. I'm simply wondering why …

ios core-image quartz-core
Draw a line with a CALayer

I'm trying to draw a line between two points using a CALayer. Here is my code: //positions a CALayer to …

objective-c cocoa-touch calayer transformation quartz-core
Move and animate UIImageView using swift

I have what should be a fairly simple question here. Basically I'm trying to move an object (a UIImageView) from …

uiimageview swift ios8 quartz-core