Top "Graphicscontext" questions

iOS: what's the fastest, most performant way to make a screenshot programmatically?

in my iPad app, I'd like to make a screenshot of a UIView taking a big part of the screen. …

ios performance core-graphics graphicscontext quartz-core
Creating a UIImage from a rotated UIImageView

I have a UIImageView with an image in it. I have rotated the image prior to display by setting the …

uiimageview uiimage rotation graphicscontext
JavaFX GraphicsContext change text size

I would like to be able to change the font size and possibly the font itself before the strokeText() method …

canvas fonts javafx pane graphicscontext
iOS " current graphics context" - What is that

When I draw lines and shapes etc I get the " current graphics context" in iOS. What exactly though is " current …

ios core-graphics uigraphicscontext graphicscontext uigraphicsimagerenderer