Top "Uitextfield" questions

A UITextField object is a control that displays editable text and sends an action message to a target object when the user presses the return button.

How can I make a UITextField move up when the keyboard is present - on starting to edit?

With the iOS SDK: I have a UIView with UITextFields that bring up a keyboard. I need it to be …

ios objective-c uiscrollview uitextfield uikeyboard
Converting String to Int with Swift

The application basically calculates acceleration by inputting Initial and final velocity and time and then use a formula to calculate …

ios swift int uitextfield
iPhone UITextField - Change placeholder text color

I'd like to change the color of the placeholder text I set in my UITextField controls, to make it black. …

ios uitextfield
How to create a multiline UITextfield?

I am developing an application where user has to write some information. For this purpose I need a UITextField which …

ios uitextfield uitextview
Set the maximum character length of a UITextField

How can I set the maximum amount of characters in a UITextField on the iPhone SDK when I load up …

ios objective-c cocoa-touch uitextfield
How do I check when a UITextField changes?

I am trying to check when a text field changes, equivalent too the function used for textView - textViewDidChange so …

ios swift uitextfield
iOS - Dismiss keyboard when touching outside of UITextField

I'm wondering how to make the keyboard disappear when the user touches outside of a UITextField.

ios cocoa-touch uitextfield uikit
How to hide keyboard in swift on pressing return key?

I am using UITextfied while clicking on textfied keyboard appear but when i pressed the return key, keyboard is not …

ios swift uitextfield
Move textfield when keyboard appears swift

I'm using Swift for programing with iOS and I'm using this code to move the UITextField, but it does not …

ios swift cocoa-touch keyboard uitextfield
Set padding for UITextField with UITextBorderStyleNone

I wanted to use a custom background for my UITextFields. This works fine except for the fact that I have …

ios uitextfield padding