Top "Quartz-core" questions

Quartz Core is the framework that includes Core Animation, Core Image, and Core Video

Stroke masked CALayer in iOS

I'm trying to create a label (or any other view for that matter) with one rounded corner and a stroke/…

ios objective-c quartz-core
Adding quartzcore to Xcode 4 for iOS

I have troubles installing quartzcore on Xcode 4 regarding an iOS application. I just can't find the answer: how to do …

ios xcode frameworks ios-frameworks quartz-core
cancel a UIView animateWithDuration before completion

I have this code in my project: - (void) fadeImageView { [UIView animateWithDuration:1.0f delay:0 options:UIViewAnimationCurveEaseInOut animations:^{ self.imageView.alpha = 0.0…

ios uiview uianimation quartz-core
Spring, Run task once when application started

My application is based on spring boot. I want to create a task which should be run only once after …

spring scheduled-tasks quartz-scheduler quartz-core
CAShapeLayer animation (arc from 0 to final size)

I have a CAShapeLayer in which an arc is added using UIBezierPath. I saw a couple of posts (one actually) …

ios objective-c animation core-animation quartz-core
How to add a shadow effect for UINavigation bar

Hello, I want to add this kind of shadow for my NAvigationBar How can I do that. This is how …

ios uinavigationbar quartz-core dropshadow
CGContext line width

I'm trying to draw a simple line, the problem is that it is coming out not as 1 pixel in width …

ios quartz-core
Fading out any content which approaches edges of UIScollView

As the title says, I am trying to give to some UIImageViews a fading out effect as they get closer …

ios uiscrollview quartz-core
CALayer as SubLayer Not Visible

I am trying to built an animated circle which would be drawn clockwise until it becomes complete circle as illustrated …

ios4 core-animation invisible quartz-core
Animating UILabel with CoreAnimation / QuartzCore in iOS App

I actually stuck on a problem with animating a UILabel in my iOS Application. After 2 days of searching the web …

ios xcode cocoa-touch core-animation quartz-core