Top "Uianimation" questions

Animate change of view controllers without using navigation controller stack, subviews or modal controllers?

NavigationControllers have ViewController stacks to manage, and limited animation transitions. Adding a view controller as a sub-view to an existing …

iphone ios ipad uiviewcontroller uianimation
iOS translation and scale animation

I'm working on UIButton animation where: The UIButton is set in the bottom center of the screen and scaled to …

iphone ios objective-c cgaffinetransform uianimation
iOS - Animation effects - Image pop-in

I'd like to have an image in my iphone app "pop-in" on screen rather than just appearing. By "pop-in" I …

iphone ios animation uianimation
cancel a UIView animateWithDuration before completion

I have this code in my project: - (void) fadeImageView { [UIView animateWithDuration:1.0f delay:0 options:UIViewAnimationCurveEaseInOut animations:^{ self.imageView.alpha = 0.0…

ios uiview uianimation quartz-core
UIView animation trying to change the frame size doesn't work in iOS 8 but in iOS 7

I wanted to resize an UIView, my code works perfect in iOS 7.1 but when I run it in iOS 8 it …

ios objective-c uiview ios8 uianimation
push uiviewcontroller to another viewcontroller with animation from Top - bottom

In my project there is feature when user swipe on top bar one screen will appear with top to bottom …

ios transition uianimation uinavigationcontroller
button press animation

So I've searched a lot but I didn't find an answer for my problem. I want to make a button …

iphone objective-c ios ipad uianimation
How to move a view along a curved path in iOS

How to animate/move the view in the curve path, is it possible to do using UIAnimation. Like moving a …

iphone objective-c ios core-animation uianimation
Frames changing suddenly instead of animating [iOS]

I have a view with a scroll view in my app (a percentage calculator). I am trying to animate the …

ios swift animation uiview uianimation
Problems with transitionWithView and animateWithDuration

I have problems with transitionWithView and animateWithDuration. One of my animateWithDuration blocks doesn't transition, it is a sudden change, and …

iphone ios xcode ipad uianimation