Top "Cmtime" questions

CMTime structs are non-opaque mutable structs representing times (either timestamps or durations).

CMTime seconds output

This may seem ridiculous, but how can I output the seconds of CMTime to the console in Objective-C? I simply …

objective-c console cmtime
Converting CMTime to human readable time in objective-c

So I have a CMTime from a video. How do I convert it into a nice string like in the …

objective-c ios c cocoa-touch cmtime
Trying to understand CMTime

I have seen some examples of CMTime (Three separate links), but I still don't get it. I'm using an AVCaptureSession …

ios avcapturesession cmtime
objectiveC/CMTime - convert AVPlayer.duration to milliseconds

I'm creating an app for playing a ringtone and I'd want to know the current time in milliseconds of the …

iphone avfoundation avplayer cmtime
AVPlayer - Add Seconds to CMTime

How can I add 5 seconds to my current playing Time? Actually this is my code: CMTime currentTime = music.currentTime; I …

iphone ios xcode avplayer cmtime
swift and CMTimeMake

I try to capture video:…

ios swift cmtime
Xcode 6- SWIFT- Cast CMTime as Float

var songs = MPMediaQuery() var localSongs = songs.items songList = NSMutableArray(array: localSongs) tableView.reloadData() var song = MPMediaItem(coder: songList[0] as NSCoder) …

swift uislider cmtime
Using seconds in AVPlayer seekToTime

this should be a simple one. I have an AVPlayer playing a video file and I want to be able …

ios avplayer cmtime
Convert from NStimeInterval to CMTime accurately

I am using two players one is MPMoviePlayerController and the other is AVPlayer. henever MPMoviePlayerController is seeked, it sets the …

objective-c mpmovieplayercontroller avplayer nstimeinterval cmtime
AVAssetWriterInputPixelBufferAdaptor and CMTime

I'm writing some frames to video with AVAssetWriterInputPixelBufferAdaptor, and the behavior w.r.t. time isn't what I'd expect. If …

objective-c ios avfoundation avassetwriter cmtime