Top "Airplay" questions

Airplay is a streaming technology made by Apple to stream media to multiple devices wirelessly or to the Airplay SDK that offers deployment to many platforms.

Native Android/iOS development vs Marmalade SDK

Our company is on the verge of picking between native Android/iPhone development and some cross-platform solution, specifically Marmalade SDK (…

android ios cross-platform airplay marmalade
Detecting the AirPlay latency

While I realize that AirPlay has inherent lag/latency, I'm wondering if there's a way for a (currently hypothetical) iPhone …

ios audio airplay
Is there a way to keep Airplay running if the device auto-sleeps/auto-locks?

When streaming a video from an iPhone (or any iOS device) to a TV via Airplay, the stream stops as …

ios locking sleep airplay
AirPlay API for Mac OS X

Is there currently any API (public or private) that will allow a 3rd party Mac OS X application to stream …

objective-c cocoa audio streaming airplay
List available output audio target AVAudioSession

I need to list the audio outputs available to an iOS application. My question is similar to this one: How …

ios objective-c airplay avaudiosession
Customize the Airplay button's appearance

I use a standard gradient overlay (done in photoshop) to make buttons look nicer in my app. I added an …

iphone ios overlay calayer airplay
MPNowPlayingInfoCenter not reacting properly when pausing playback

I am trying to get MPNowPlayingInfoCenter to work properly when pausing playback. (I have a streaming music app that uses …

ios avplayer airplay mpnowplayinginfocenter
AirPlay button on custom view

4.3 finally :) I am searching right now how to add air play button to custom view. I have MPMoviePlayer that load …

iphone objective-c ios mpmovieplayercontroller airplay
Disable iOS/Android screen mirroring

Is there any way in iOS and Android I can detect if my app is being mirrored (via Miracast/AirPlay/…

android ios airplay mirroring miracast
Airplay Mirroring (iPhone to Mac) like reflection or AirServer

Is there are way to do this. I couldn't find to much in the apple documentation. Sorry if I'm totally …

ios xcode osx-mountain-lion mirroring airplay