Top "Preload" questions

The term preload relates to techniques for improving performance by loading data/contents into memory/cache before processing or displaying it to users: preloading images in browsers to avoid delay in image rendering, preloading data from databases to RAM to avoid DB queries, and so on.

Preloading CSS Images

I have a hidden contact form which is deployed clicking on a button. Its fields are set as CSS background …

css image background preloader preload
JQuery wait for page to finish loading before starting the slideshow?

I have a site with a rotating header image (you've all seen them). I want to do the following: Load …

javascript jquery slideshow preload
display a gif while page loads

I have a lenghty ASP.NET page load process. Is there a way to display a loading gif while the … image preload
How to preload a sound in Javascript?

I can preload images easily thanks to the onload function. But it doesn't work with audio. Browsers like Chrome, Safari, …

javascript audio preload
HTML5 video autoplay but with a 5 seconds of delay

I have a 20 second long HTML5 video loop as the background on my webpage and it is set to autostart. …

html video settimeout preload autoplay
preloading font with rel preload

I am preloading a font using the <link> HTML tag with the rel attribute set to preload as …

html preload
Flexslider slow image load

I am using Flexslider on a website I'm building. I like the responsiveness very much and thats the reason I …

jquery html preload flexslider
Preload font-awesome

I am trying to pre-load font-awesome to improve my page load times: <link rel="preload" as="style" href="//maxcdn.…

font-awesome preload
How can I preload a page using HTML5?

I remember reading about a meta tag that makes the browser preload a page. What's the tag again?

html preload
Block UI spinning preloader

I was wondering if anyone could shed insight as to how I could add a spinning preloader (like apple uses) …

jquery preloader preload blockui jquery-blockui