Top "Preload" questions

The term preload relates to techniques for improving performance by loading data/contents into memory/cache before processing or displaying it to users: preloading images in browsers to avoid delay in image rendering, preloading data from databases to RAM to avoid DB queries, and so on.

How to preload image in a React JS component?

I'm currently rendering a child component when a signInError occurs. The signInError is stored in the parent component and if …

javascript reactjs preload
How to preload a CSS @font-face font that is bundled by webpack4+babel?

I have a webpack4+babel bundler setup for a react web app. In a LESS file, I reference a local …

reactjs babeljs webpack-4 preload
Javascript Image Object - Handle onload Event

I'm trying to preload image on click event: // new image object var imgObject = new Image(); // assign the path to the …

javascript image preload
Rails joins or preload belongs_to association from polymorphic model

my problem is following. How can I joins belongs_to association from polymorphic model There is situation opinion.rb class …

ruby-on-rails activerecord join preload polymorphism
Wait for images to load and then execute all other code

OK, I'm losing my mind over this. I did read here at SO and google about it, I even have …

jquery preload image-preloader
Is it possible to preload an HTML page before displaying it?

I'm not referring to preloading images, I want to preload an HTML page using JQuery.

jquery preload
Force a full preload HTML5 video with Javascript?

I'm about to try to fully preload a video in HTML5. I use the attribute preload=auto but it does …

google-chrome html5-video preload
Preload CSS file not supported on Firefox and Safari Mac

I added the attribute rel="preload" to all css links like this : <link rel='preload' onload='this.rel="stylesheet"…

css firefox safari preload
preload hidden CSS images

I'm working on a jquery based homepage with 5 or so hidden divs, each containing several background css images. The issue …

jquery css image preload
Preloading fonts in Chrome with 'preload' link directive

The preload directive is not performing in Chrome as expected. Below is a full HTML page that may be opened …

google-chrome fonts hyperlink preload preloading