Top "Webpack-4" questions

Webpack is JavaScript module bundler.

Webpack 4 - create vendor chunk

In a webpack 3 configuration I would use the code below to create separate vendor.js chunk: entry: { client: ['./client.…

node.js webpack code-splitting webpack-4
Webpack 4 - How to configure minimize?

Webpack 4 comes with the following statement: webpack.optimize.UglifyJsPlugin has been removed, please use config.optimization.minimize instead. Fair enough, …

javascript webpack webpack-4
Webpack 4 : ERROR in Entry module not found: Error: Can't resolve './src'

I was trying to run webpack-4 first time webpack ./src/js/app.js ./dist/app.bundle.js it shows warning / …

npm webpack webpack-4
Webpack 4 migration CommonsChunkPlugin

I need help migrating the following code from webpack 3 to 4. new webpack.optimize.CommonsChunkPlugin({ minChunks: module => module.context &&…

javascript webpack webpack-3 commonschunkplugin webpack-4
Webpack 4: mini-css-extract-plugin + sass-loader + splitChunks

I've the follow example configuration to use mini-css-extract-plugin with Webpack 4: entry: { a: ['./js/a.js', './scss/a.scss'], …

css webpack sass sass-loader webpack-4
Can't import SVG into Next.js

When I try to import SVG Image then the following error shows. Which loader I have to use for importing …

reactjs webpack-4 next.js
Webpack ignores webpack.config.js

I'm following this tutorial because I'm new with Webpack... My webpack.config.js is: module.exports = { entry: "./app/entry", mode: "…

How to upgrade to babel 7

I tried to upgrade Webpack and babel to 4, 7 respectively but couldn’t make it work. Also the official doc isn’…

reactjs babeljs webpack-4 babel-loader
Issues with getting started with webpack 4

I am following the tutorial exactly as given here . But I am amazed that the docs seems outdated. e.g …

node.js webpack webpack-4