Top "Babel-loader" questions

Module build failed (from ./node_modules/babel-loader/lib/index.js): TypeError: Cannot read property 'bindings' of null

I've got an error while building a project: Module build failed (from ./node_modules/babel-loader/lib/index.js): TypeError: Cannot …

webpack ecmascript-6 babeljs babel-loader
Why use babel-loader with ts-loader?

There is a TypeScript, Babel, React, and Karma Sample. The Webpack config contains babel-loader with ts-loader for .tsx? files. Please …

typescript babel-loader ts-loader
How to upgrade to babel 7

I tried to upgrade Webpack and babel to 4, 7 respectively but couldn’t make it work. Also the official doc isn’…

reactjs babeljs webpack-4 babel-loader
Unexpected token: operator (>) from UglifyJs

I have 2 Vue-Cli webpack projects (ClientApp and Lib). Lib is my components library (shared with other projects) Problem When I …

webpack vuejs2 vue-loader babel-loader
Problems with babel loader in react-create-app

The Problem create-react-app initializes a repository where babel-loader is installed as an older version than needed. LOG: There might be …

reactjs webpack babeljs create-react-app babel-loader
Webpack failed to compile

I have just started to learn React and I'm implementing it with Webpack. Here are the devDependencies from my package.…

reactjs webpack webpack-dev-server react-hot-loader babel-loader
babel 7.x - Can't resolve 'core-js/modules/es.array.concat'

I upgraded babel 6.x → 7.x but having issues running Webpack. It is complaining about missing core-js/modules/*. My babel.config.…

babeljs webpack-4 babel-loader react-styleguidist
Parser "babylon" deprecated error - webpack build

After I have been upgrading my projects JS packages, an error has appeared when building my bundle with Webpack. It …

webpack babeljs eslint babel-loader eslintrc
Webpack babel-loader runtime: Module build failed: TypeError: this.setDynamic is not a function

I'm trying to use the babel-loader with the babel-plugin-transform-runtime. I've followed the instructions at: …

javascript webpack babel-loader
Plugins[0][1] must be an object, false, or undefined

I have been trying to upgrade my packages and things have started to fall apart and I am now unable …

node.js npm webpack babeljs babel-loader