Force a full preload HTML5 video with Javascript?

Romain André picture Romain André · May 16, 2013 · Viewed 12k times · Source

I'm about to try to fully preload a video in HTML5. I use the attribute preload=auto but it does not preload the entire video... In Chrome, the video is only preloaded up to 2% and in Safari around 50%...

Is it possible to force a full preload video with javascript?


Varun Chakervarti picture Varun Chakervarti · Nov 18, 2014
function addSourceToVideo(element, src, type) {    
    var source = document.createElement('source');    
    source.src = src;    
    source.type = type;    

var video;       
    video = document.getElementsByTagName('video')[0];    
    addSourceToVideo( video, "", "video/ogv");    
    addSourceToVideo( video, "", "video/mp4");    
    video.addEventListener("progress", progressHandler,false);       

progressHandler = function(e) {    
    if( video.duration ) {    
        var percent = (video.buffered.end(0)/video.duration) * 100;    
        console.log( percent );    
        if( percent >= 100 ) {    