The Angular CLI is a command line interface for building, managing and deploying Angular (version 2+) applications.
I'm trying to build my Angular 5 app, and I'm getting the error: Cannot determine the module for class ThreadListTabsComponent in /…
angular typescript angular-cli tsconfigLately I encountered following error: Access to XMLHttpRequest at 'localhost:8080/api/xyz' from origin 'http://localhost:4200' has been blocked …
angular cors angular-cli cross-origin-read-blockingMy project is set up with Angular CLI, so it's built with webpack but the webpack config files are hidden. …
json angular webpack angular-cli ngx-translateI migrated my angular 8.x.x project to angular 9.x.x and when I try to publish my library, it …
angular angular-cli angular-library angular-cli-v9Well, I have created site using Angular 2. When I run "ng-serve" command and trying to test my site using "http://…
angular typescript iis internet-explorer-11 angular-cliI have a frontend running for example on and it's backend on I …
angular firebase angular-cli firebase-hostingis there a way to use AOT with angular cli? I've installed the modules (@angular/compiler @angular/compiler-cli) and when …
angular angular-cli angular-compiler-cliMy Angular application is working properly, but I am keep getting Karma error when I run ng test command. I …
windows angular typescript karma-jasmine angular-cliI'm using angular-cli to build an Angular 4 app. I would like to use ng-bootstrap to include Bootstrap 4. However I would …
angular angular-cli twitter-bootstrap-4 ng-bootstrapI have created a project using angular-cli. There is one AppModule and AppComponent I want to use this AppModule and …
javascript angular webpack angular-cli npm-link