Top "Angular-cli" questions

The Angular CLI is a command line interface for building, managing and deploying Angular (version 2+) applications.

angular-cli: AoT compilation with ng serve by default

In Angular CLI, ng serve uses JiT and the flag --aot is required in order to use AoT compilation. Is …

angular angular-cli jit aot
How to "Enable front-end code coverage in sonarqube" for a Angular project

This is my dahsboard from Bamboo related to Sonarqube: The project build result page …

angular sonarqube angular-cli bamboo test-coverage
angular6 how to import a library in another library?

As the title suggests, I've generated a base library using ng generate library lib; and then I generated another library …

angular angular-cli angular6 angular-cli-v6
cannot import MatDialogModule in app.module

I am a beginner in angular, I am using angular material dialog box. first I added material to my project …

angular angular-material dialog angular-cli angular9
angular cli 6, ng test not working

I have just updated my angular project to angular 6. ng build and ng serve work, but when I run my …

angular angular-cli angular6
Angular 7 FATAL ERROR: Ineffective mark-compacts near heap limit Allocation failed - JavaScript heap out of memory

My project is big. In the last build I added big chunk of new functionality. Building process giving me this …

angular angular-cli angular7 ng-build
Angular 5 with Font Awesome 5

After some researches including the read of Font Awesome 5 with Angular, documentation, etc I wasn't able to advance in the …

angular angular-cli angular5 font-awesome-5 angular-fontawesome
How to load different global css styles for different environments with Angular 2

I would like to load different global css styles for different environments. In angular-cli.json it is "hardcoded" to "styles.…

angular typescript angular-cli angular-components
Angular 12 CSS optimization inline event handler with Content Security Policy

After upgrading to Angular 12 my Content Security Policy blocks styles from loading correctly. The Angular 12 devkit seems to add a …

angular angular-cli angular-devkit
ngx-charts render dynamic data

I'm new at ngx-charts I'm trying to render the dynamic bitcoin data by fetching the data from bitstamp service. The …

angular-cli ngx-charts