Top "Angular-cli" questions

The Angular CLI is a command line interface for building, managing and deploying Angular (version 2+) applications.

'query' does not exist in type 'QueryFn' | angularfire2

Argument of type '{ query: { limitTolast: number; orderByKey: boolean; }; }' is not assignable to parameter of type 'QueryFn'.Object literal …

typescript firebase angular-cli angularfire2
Exclude modules from ng-build in Angular CLI... not working

I have an Angular CLI project with two apps in it. Both apps are the same, but one app includes …

angular typescript angular-cli angular5 tsconfig
How to use multiple router-outlet in angular2?

I have a main router-outlet, which is used to display a login screen (/login) and the main content screen(which …

angular angular-cli router router-outlet
IE11 issue Angular CLI project in Angular2(TS), polyfills are notworking

I am using anugular-cli 1.0.0-beta.16 which has polyfills.ts which looks like this: // This file includes polyfills needed by Angular 2 …

javascript angular typescript angular-cli es5-shim
The serve command requires to be run in an Angular project, but a project definition could not be found in Angular 4

I have cloned one of my old project from github and tried to install node_module and found some vulnerabilities. …

angular npm angular-cli npm-audit
How do you debug an Angular 6 library

I'm writing an Angular 6 Library and cannot figure out how to step into the typescript. I generated the app using: …

angular typescript angular-cli angular-cli-v6 ng-packagr
Angular 4 CLI cannot find name 'jasmine'

I am using the Angular 4 CLI (v.1.0.0) and to handle testing I created some mocks that use jasmine to create …

karma-jasmine angular-cli typescript-typings
Angular Service Worker - Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 504 (Gateway Timeout)

I am using the Angular-CLI 1.6.6 and @angular/service-worker 5.2.5 in our Angular 5.2.5 app. Everything works fine on the local lite-server, as …

angular angular-cli angular5 service-worker angular-service-worker
SVG icon system with angular-cli

I have an angular2 project which was created via angular-cli. In webpack there is a loader to load the svg …

angular svg typescript angular-cli svg-sprite
Angular CLI Generate Library with SASS

I have an Angular6 app that I am trying to create a library for. I was able to generate a …

angular angular-cli angular-cli-v6