Top "Typescript-typings" questions

Typings is the simple way to manage and install TypeScript definitions.

Typescript input onchange

In my react and typescript app, I use: onChange={(e) => data.motto = ( as any).value}. How do …

reactjs typescript types typescript-typings
Typescript: Type X is missing the following properties from type Y length, pop, push, concat, and 26 more. [2740]

I have this Product interface: export interface Product{ code: string; description: string; type: string; } Service with method calling product endpoint: …

angular typescript typescript-typings
Overriding interface property type defined in Typescript d.ts file

Is there a way to change the type of interface property defined in a *.d.ts in typescript? for example: …

javascript typescript typescript-typings
Property 'X' is private and only accessible within class 'xyzComponent'

I'm trying to build angular2 application for production for that I'm following this blog. After my ngc successful compilation when …

angular typescript typescript-typings angular2-aot
TypeScript typings give me "index.d.ts is not a module"

I am getting File node_modules/@types/webrtc/index.d.ts is not a module with this code: import * as …

typescript typescript-typings
Angular 4+ using Google Analytics

I'm trying to use the Google Analytics with angular 4, but i can't find any @type to ga.js in ts. …

angular typescript google-analytics typescript-typings
TypeScript typings in npm @types org packages

I've noticed there's an npm organization @types, which contains typing packages, but can't find any documentation on it. How are …

typescript typescript-typings
parameter implicitly has an 'any' type

I'm using visual studio code for a typescript project, where I use some 3rd party npm js libraries. Some of …

typescript visual-studio-code typescript-typings
How to import CSS modules with Typescript, React and Webpack

How to import CSS modules in Typescript with Webpack? Generate (or auto-generate) .d.ts files for CSS? And use classic …

reactjs typescript webpack typescript-typings css-modules
How do I decide whether @types/* goes into `dependencies` or `devDependencies`?

I use TypeScript 2 in my project. I'd like to use some js library, but also typings for that library. I …

typescript npm typescript-typings package.json