Top "Typescript-typings" questions

Typings is the simple way to manage and install TypeScript definitions.

How to use @types/express-session?

when I write this: import { Request } from 'express-serve-static-core'; Request, res, next) => { req.session.user = user; } tsc …

typescript typescript-typings typescript2.0 express-session
How can I compile my Typescript into a single JS file with no module loading system?

I have a small Typescript project of about 10 ts files. I want to compile all my files into es5 and …

typescript typescript1.8 typescript-typings tsconfig
Typescript: Argument of type 'RegExpMatchArray' is not assignable to parameter of type 'string'

I have the following expression: import { persistState } from 'redux-devtools'; const enhancer = compose( applyMiddleware(thunk, router, logger), DevTools.instrument(), persistState( window.…

typescript visual-studio-code typescript1.8 typescript-typings
TypeScript and ReactDOM.render method doesn't accept component

TL;DR I'm using TypeScript and React. I've defined my AppContainer.tsx component, exported it as default. I'm consuming this …

reactjs typescript typescript-typings react-dom tsx
integrating aws-sdk to angular2 gives "Cannot find module 'stream'"

I tried these error TS2304: Cannot find name 'Buffer', and Using aws-sdk with angular2 …

angular amazon-web-services typescript typescript-typings tsconfig
Angular 4 CLI cannot find name 'jasmine'

I am using the Angular 4 CLI (v.1.0.0) and to handle testing I created some mocks that use jasmine to create …

karma-jasmine angular-cli typescript-typings
How to include lib.es2015.core.d.ts in tsconfig.json?

I'm writing Angular 2 Universal app, so I don't want any DOM types. But I want to compile all files in …

typescript tsc typescript-typings
Generate typescript definition files using rollup

I am trying rollup js to build my typescript project but I don't know how to generate the definition files …

typescript webpack typescript-typings rollup
How to manually update a deprecated typings package

I have a NodeJS application that I'm writing in TypeScript. It uses many Node packages. Not all of these packages …

typescript npm typescript-typings
required url param on React router v5 with typescript, can be undefined

I am using react-router v5.1 with TypeScript and have this route configurations: <Router basename="/" hashType="slash"> <Switch&…

typescript react-router typescript-typings