Top "Tsc" questions

tsc is a compiler for converting TypeScript into plain JavaScript.

How do you produce a .d.ts "typings" definition file from an existing JavaScript library?

I'm using a lot of libraries both my own and 3rd party. I see the "typings" directory contains some for …

typescript tsc
'tsc command not found' in compiling typescript

I want to install typescript, so I used the following command: npm install -g typescript and test tsc --version, but …

typescript npm tsc
Can't find Typescript compiler: Command "tsc" is not valid

Just installed Typescript extension to VS2012 and followed Install TypeScript for Visual Studio 2012 and then the tutorial to call the …

javascript visual-studio-2012 typescript tsc
How can I get the Typescript compiler to output the compiled js to a different directory?

I'm fairly new to TypeScript, and right now I have .ts files in several places throughought my project structure: app/ |…

javascript typescript tsc
How to find module "fs" in MS Code with TypeScript?

I'm running on a MacBook Air. I installed MS Code as an IDE and also have TypeScript installed. I have …

javascript typescript tsc
How to consume npm modules from typescript?

I'm giving a shot at typescript. It works fine at the hello world stage. I'm now trying to use a …

node.js typescript npm tsc
Is there a way to use npm scripts to run tsc -watch && nodemon --watch?

I'm looking for a way to use npm scripts to run tsc --watch && nodemon --watch at the same …

typescript npm nodemon tsc ts-node
How to force tsc to ignore node_modules folder?

I'm using tsc build tasks. Unfortunately I'm always getting the same errors from the node modules folder Executing task: .\node_…

node.js typescript tsc tsconfig
Typescript build getting errors from node_modules folder

I am running a typescript build and getting errors in node_modules. Why isn't it ignoring this folder? I have …

typescript npm gulp tsc gulp-typescript
How can I pass multiple source files to the TypeScript compiler?

TypeScript is designed for large-scale JavaScripty projects which typically consist of multiple internally produced files along with externally produced libraries. …

typescript tsc