Top "Gulp-typescript" questions

Typescript build getting errors from node_modules folder

I am running a typescript build and getting errors in node_modules. Why isn't it ignoring this folder? I have …

typescript npm gulp tsc gulp-typescript
TS2307: Cannot find module 'class-validator'

I'm attempting to use the class-validator module in a typescript project. However when I compile typescript issues the following warning: …

typescript gulp gulp-typescript
Using Gulp how to first compile Typescript then concatenate the result and uglify it?

I'm working on a project using Typescript currently I'm facing a problem compiling Typescript and then concatenate the result using …

javascript typescript gulp tsc gulp-typescript
Typescript2 path module resolution

tl;dr : module resolution does not apply ? Hello, I am playing around with Typescript2 module resolution feature. I've noticed that …

node.js typescript gulp typescript2.0 gulp-typescript
error TS1056: Accessors are only available when targeting ECMAScript 5 in gulp-typescript

I'm coming up with an this error message while transcompiling TS to JS using gulp-typescript. I'm attempting to use an …

typescript ecmascript-5 tsconfig gulp-typescript