Top "React-dom" questions

React package for working with the DOM.

this.refs.something returns "undefined"

I have an element with a ref that is defined and ends up getting rendered into the page : <div …

javascript reactjs react-dom react-ref
Cannot resolve module 'react-dom'

I've seen few posts related to this type of error. But couldn't resolve in mine. My package.json: "react": "~0.14.7", "webpack": "^1.12.13", "…

reactjs webpack react-dom react-hot-loader
React vs ReactDOM?

I'm a bit new to react. I see we have to import two things to get started, React and ReactDOM, …

reactjs react-dom
What's the difference between hydrate() and render() in React 16?

I've read the documentation, but I didn't really understand the difference between hydrate() and render() in React 16. I know hydrate() …

javascript reactjs react-dom react-fiber
Uncaught ReferenceError: React is not defined

Hi I know this type of question has been asked quite a few times but I couldn't get the answer. …

reactjs webpack react-dom
What does registerServiceWorker do in React JS?

I'm a newbie in React and I was wondering what is the purpose of registerServiceWorker() in the following code? import …

javascript reactjs service-worker react-dom
How to check the class name of the event target in ReactJS?

I now have a function handleRightClick(e) which will be called when I right click on the container. Inside the …

reactjs javascript-events classname react-dom
Should I use ref or findDOMNode to get react root dom node of an element?

I'm on a situation where I want to make some dom-node size calculations (top, bottom and size properties of the …

javascript reactjs dom react-dom
ReactJS Module build failed: SyntaxError: Unexpected token - ReactDOM.render

Why am I getting this error below? My statement ReactDOM.render(<App />, container); is 100% legit code. My github …

javascript reactjs react-dom
ReactJS findDOMNode and getDOMNode are not functions

I'm building a web-app with ReactJS and Flux and I'm trying to get the node of my current div using …

reactjs react-dom