Top "Karma-jasmine" questions

Karma-Jasmine is an adapter for the Jasmine testing framework,which is shipped with Karma by default.

CUSTOM_ELEMENTS_SCHEMA added to NgModule.schemas still showing Error

I just upgraded from Angular 2 rc4 to rc6 and having troubles doing so. I see the following error on my …

angular karma-jasmine
Karma: Running a single test file from command line

So, I've been looking all over for this, found "similar" answers here, but not exactly what I want. Right now …

javascript gruntjs gulp karma-runner karma-jasmine
Angular 2/4/6/7 - Unit Testing with Router

In Angular 2.0.0, I am unit testing a component that uses Router. However I get the 'Supplied parameters do not match …

angular unit-testing angular6 karma-jasmine angular7
ReferenceError: module is not defined - Karma/Jasmine configuration with Angular/Laravel app

I have an existing Angular/Laravel app in which Laravel acts as an API to the angular frontend serving only …

javascript angularjs karma-runner karma-jasmine
"Error: No provider for router" while writing Karma-Jasmine unit test cases

We have done one angular2 project set up and inside that created one module (my-module) and inside that module created …

unit-testing angular karma-jasmine angular2-routing angular-cli
How do I debug a "[object ErrorEvent] thrown" error in my Karma/Jasmine tests?

I have several failing tests that only output [object ErrorEvent] thrown. I don't see anything in the console that helps …

angular angular-cli karma-jasmine
Found the synthetic property @enterAnimation. Please include either "BrowserAnimationsModule" or "NoopAnimationsModule" in your application. Angular4

When running Karma to test my Angular4 application, I get this error Found the synthetic property @enterAnimation. Please include either "…

javascript angular typescript testing karma-jasmine
Angular Karma Jasmine Error: Illegal state: Could not load the summary for directive

I'm developing a github repository (with angular 7 and angular-cli), and I have some tests with Karma and Jasmine working in …

javascript angular karma-runner karma-jasmine angular-cli
What is the difference between createspy and createspyobj

I have used in my code like. return $provide.decorator('aservice', function($delegate) { $delegate.addFn = jasmine.createSpy().andReturn(true); return $…

angularjs jasmine karma-jasmine
TypeError: undefined is not a constructor

I'm very new to Angular and I'm trying to figure much of this out still. I'm writing some tests using …

javascript angularjs phantomjs karma-jasmine