Top "Angular2-aot" questions

Use angular2-aot for questions related to the Angular2 ahead-of-time compiler, which allows developers to deploy pre-compiled JavaScript code and HTML5 markup to the browser rather than TypeScript and Angular templates.

Property 'X' is private and only accessible within class 'xyzComponent'

I'm trying to build angular2 application for production for that I'm following this blog. After my ngc successful compilation when …

angular typescript typescript-typings angular2-aot
Pass config data using forRoot

I am trying to pass config data into a custom library in Angular. In the users application, they will pass …

angular typescript angular2-services angular2-aot
Angular2 - Supplied parameters do not match any signature of call target

import { Component, Input, OnChanges } from '@angular/core'; @Component({ selector: 'image-display', templateUrl: './image-display.component.html' }) export class ImageDisplayComponent implements …

angular angular2-aot
ionic cordova build android failed due to AOT

I am new to ionic. I have created new application using the ionic framework. But when I hit command ionic …

android angular cordova ionic-framework angular2-aot
Can I ignore typescript error while compiling with Angular 2 AoT?

My app has a lot of TypeScript errors but runs properly (I moved a javascript app to typescript and can't …

angular typescript angular2-aot
Can angular-cli remove unused css?

so far the smallest bundle I can create with angular cli is by running ng build --aot true -prod I …

css webpack minify angular-cli angular2-aot
Angular AOT Build: Internal error: unknown identifier undefined

My current Angular 2 project started before Angular supported the AOT feature. Now, I’m trying to get it to work. …

angular angular2-aot
How can I disable AOT in angular2?

I got something like this: ng build --prod --no-aot But I am not able to understand what is the difference …

angular build angular5 angular6 angular2-aot
Angular2 "No provider for t!" and Uncaught (in promise): Error: DI Error

I've build a app in Angular 2, and have encountered a issue. I have used angular CLI to create my application, …

angular httpserver angular2-aot
Function calls are not supported in decorators while ng build --prod (AOT)

Type of Issue: Bug / Question Description I'm using ng-packagr lib to compile my library to js. I've compiled everything without …

angular typescript angular2-aot angular-universal ng-packagr