Top "Npm-audit" questions

`npm audit` is a command in the npm CLI that runs a security audit on a project/package to check for any known vulnerabilities.

How to fix npm vulnerabilities manually?

When I run npm install it says found 33 vulnerabilities (2 low, 31 moderate) run `npm audit fix` to fix them, or `npm …

node.js npm npm-audit
What does "npm audit fix" exactly do?

npm audit fix is intended to automatically upgrade / fix vulnerabilities in npm packages. However, I haven't found out what it …

npm package.json npm-audit
How to check for only high vulnerabilities when using "npm audit"?

When you I execute npm install using new npm 6 i got a messages that tell me I have some vulnerabilities : [!] 75 …

node.js npm npm-audit
`npm audit` keeps returning "Your configured registry ( does not support audit requests.". How do I make it work again?

Here is the error I get: npm ERR! code ENOAUDIT npm ERR! audit Your configured registry ( …

javascript node.js npm npm-audit
Errors after npm audit fix angular 10.0.1

I ran this older 10.0.1 angular project today, and it told me it had a lot of low vulnerabilities and a …

angular angular10 npm-audit
How to fix NPM package Tar, with high vulnerability about Arbitrary File Overwrite, when package is up to date?

I just installed Flickity from NPM and got an NPM Audit Security Report after running npm audit stating that I …

npm-install tar node-sass flickity npm-audit
How to leverage npm audit?

TLDR: Is it possible to leverage the vulnerability detection abilities of npm audit as a restful service instead of the …

node.js npm reverse-engineering npmjs npm-audit
The serve command requires to be run in an Angular project, but a project definition could not be found in Angular 4

I have cloned one of my old project from github and tried to install node_module and found some vulnerabilities. …

angular npm angular-cli npm-audit
NPM-AUDIT find to high vulnerabilities. What am I supposed to do?

npm audit run on my project and got me this High Command Injection Dependency of @angular-devkit/build-angular [dev] Path @angular-devkit/…

angular npm npm-audit angular-devkit
Running suggested command doesn't fix NPM Vulnerability

After each installation of a new NPM module in my project I get the following error : [!] 40 vulnerabilities found - Packages …

node.js npm fsevents npm-audit