Top "Angular-cli" questions

The Angular CLI is a command line interface for building, managing and deploying Angular (version 2+) applications.

Angular4 core.es5.js Uncaught reflect-metadata shim is required when using class decorators

After upgrading my pre-existing project to Angular 4 and Angular/CLI 1.0 I'm getting this error: core.es5.js:354 Uncaught reflect-metadata shim …

angular angular-cli reflect-metadata
Webpack, Typescript and Angular2 with Ahead Of Time (AOT) compilation?

The latest release of Angular2 allows for Ahead of time (AOT) compilation, using this code in your app.bootstrap.ts …

angular typescript webpack angular-cli aot
Error when creating new project with Angular-CLI 6.1.2

I tried creating a new Angular project using ng new angular-6-boilerplate but I can't do it anymore with angular-cli …

angular typescript angular-cli angular6 angular-cli-v6
Error encountered in metadata generated for exported symbol when constructing an angular 6 library

I'm getting the following error while performing 'ng build' from my library. I'm using Angular 6 at the moment, but I …

angular angular-cli angular-library angular-cli-v6
Typescript: get class name in its own property at compile time

For example if we have a class like this: class MyClass { className: string; } Is it possible to get 'MyClass' assigned …

typescript angular-cli uglifyjs
How to setup angular project as a dependency in package.json of another angular project

I have three different Angular cli projects (X, Y, Z). I want to make [X] as a parent project while …

angular npm angular-cli sinopia
Angular Module vs. Library

So great, the Angular has released version 6 and the CLI provides an option to generate libraries - something that they …

angular angular-cli angular6 angular-cli-v6 angular-library
ng upgrade command fails for upgrading cli from v7 to v8

The ng upgrade command for updating cli version from a v7 project to v8 fails. Manually trying to upgrade cli …

angular angular-cli ng-upgrade angular-cli-v7
ng build --base-href="/.../" --deploy-url="/.../" css background image not working

"@angular/core": "~8.0.0", scaffold angular 8 project with scss style option i have code for as mentioned below in component scss file …

angular angular-cli scss-mixins angular8
Repository is not clean

Updating angular 7 to angular 8, I updated successfully upto angular/cli angular/core using the command $ ng update @angular/cli@v8 @…

git typescript github angular-cli angular-cli-v7