Top "Ng-upgrade" questions

Using the `upgrade` module in Angular to incrementally upgrade an AngularJS application to Angular.

Running Angular and AngularJS frameworks side by side

I have found resources that describe how to integrate Angular (2) components into AngularJS, but all of these have involved setting …

angularjs angular ng-upgrade angular-hybrid
Migrating AngularJS to Angular 4,5 (with DEMO)

I am looking into ways of migration a current Angular 1 project to Angular 4. Options are ng-forward, ngUpgrade or rewrite. I …

javascript angularjs angular ng-upgrade angular-hybrid
How to use angular 1.3.4 and angular 2 together

I have already an application which is build on angular 1.3.4 and I want to change it to angular 2 but module …

angularjs angular ng-upgrade
Using downgradeModule in conjunction with downgradeInjectable in an angular / angularjs hybrid application results in error

With angular 5.0 the upgrade module now has the option of using downgradeModule which runs angularjs outside of the angular zone. …

javascript angular ng-upgrade
Inject angularjs service into Angular

I'm trying to use $log service into an angular 2, According to what I read you need the following steps: Create …

javascript angularjs angular ionic2 ng-upgrade
ng upgrade command fails for upgrading cli from v7 to v8

The ng upgrade command for updating cli version from a v7 project to v8 fails. Manually trying to upgrade cli …

angular angular-cli ng-upgrade angular-cli-v7