Top "Test-coverage" questions

"Test coverage" is used both as a synonym for [code-coverage] and to mean all measures of the extent of testing of a program including both [code-coverage] and [function-coverage].

Differences between Line and Branch coverage

I use the Cobertura Maven plugin for one of my project. But I have a question about the generated report: …

maven testing cobertura test-coverage
Jacoco Code Coverage in android studio

I am trying to generate Jacoco code coverage report. I have used AndroidTestCase for my test classes. I have found …

android android-studio jacoco test-coverage
Intellij Idea : view test coverage on a maven project

Is there a way to run all test in an root pom and collect test coverage in Intellij Idea ?

maven intellij-idea test-coverage warning: No data was collected. (no-data-collected)

I am trying to find the coverage using coverage module for a django project but gets warning: No …

python django pytest test-coverage
IntelliJ - exclude some classes (packages) from test coverage report

I am currently using Java with Play framework. I have JUnit tests and I am trying to measure coverage with …

intellij-idea test-coverage
Maven Jacoco Configuration for multi-module projects

I was trying to generate code coverage reports using jacoco plugin in maven for a multi module project that I …

maven jacoco test-coverage jacoco-maven-plugin
Code Coverage Reporting with Visual Studio 2013 Professional for native C++

Using the C++ unit testing framework with Visual Studio 2013 Professional, one can write unit tests and run them from within …

c++ unit-testing visual-studio test-coverage
how to make py.test --cov skip virtualenv directory

Should I care how my tests cover the external libraries I'm using in my project ? The py.test --cov displays …

python-2.7 virtualenv pytest test-coverage
Jacoco code coverage in Android Studio with flavors

I've been trying to run Jacoco test coverage for quiet some time now. I've tried several possible solutions reported in …

android gradle code-coverage jacoco test-coverage
How to get test coverage or ignore by Jacoco for Kotlin data classes

Jacoco shows 0% coverage for Kotlin's data classes. How to configure it to measure coverage or ignore data classes at all?

unit-testing kotlin jacoco test-coverage