Maven Jacoco Configuration for multi-module projects

John picture John · Sep 22, 2016 · Viewed 16.6k times · Source

I was trying to generate code coverage reports using jacoco plugin in maven for a multi module project that I was working on.

I added the following in my parent pom.xml within the build tags.



On running mvn verify, the respective jacoco reports were generated for each module at "project-root\module\target\site\jacoco\"

Is it possible to generate a consolidated jacoco report at the project-root containing the test coverage details of each module?

Please suggest the best possible way to merge the individual module reports.


markdsievers picture markdsievers · Sep 22, 2016

Sure is!

Took me a while and a few sources to cook this pattern up, but has worked well.

For a multi-module Maven project:


The LIB projects both have their own unit tests.

ROOT pom.xml

<!- properties-->

<!-- build/plugins (not build/pluginManagement/plugins!) -->

LIB projects pom.xml will inherit the the JaCoCo plugins execution, so just need to wire up the argline in the Surefire plugin.


I have an extended answer for rolling up integration tests as well as unit tests for JaCoCo being reported via Sonar, you can see my detailed answer here.