Top "Ngx-translate" questions

NGX-Translate is an internationalization library for Angular 2+. It lets you define translations for your content in different languages and switch between them easily.

Angular ngx-translate usage in typescript

I'm using this @ngx-translate/core i18n service and it works fine in templates (.html) with this syntax: {{'my.i18…

angular typescript ngx-translate
Angular 6 - can't resolve all parameters for AppComponent

I am trying to build an application with Angular 6 and I am still setting everything up. But it seems there …

angular typescript dependency-injection angular6 ngx-translate
Angular 5 internationalization

I'm building an application using the latest Angular5 and what I need is for a user to be able to …

angular internationalization ngx-translate angular5 angular-i18n
ngx-translate .instant returns key instead of value

I am trying to make a method which would accept string key and return translated string value by using translate.…

angular typescript loader ngx-translate
How to get current language with ngx-translate in angular2

I want to get current language with this.translate.getBrowserLang(), but it always return 'en', whatever the current language is …

javascript angular ngx-translate
Argument of type 'Http' is not assignable to parameter of type 'Http' in Ionic ngx-translate

I'm developing an Ionic 2 mobile app and want to use ngx-translate features. Following the tutorial, I'm importing necessary files in …

http ionic-framework ngx-translate
put new line in string to translate

I'm using ngx-translate. How can I put a line break in a string to translate ? In my template I have : {{…

angular translation ngx-translate
Differences ngx-translate vs i18n

There are multiple methode to translate an (Angular) app, the big main methodes are : ngx-translate and Angular 2 native i18n …

angular translation ngx-translate
ngx-translate using a variable as a parameter in Angular 7

I'm having an issue with NGX-Translate in Angular7. I'm trying to translate a phrase with a parameter. If the parameter …

angular ngx-translate
Angular 4 Ngx-translate pipe not working

I want to make an angular 4 app that is multilangual. I have followed the answer on Angular 2 - Multilingual Support …

html angular typescript internationalization ngx-translate