Top "Ng-bootstrap" questions

A set of Angular 2+ directives based on version 4+ of Twitter Bootstrap's markup and CSS.

Bootstrap dropdown with Angular 6

I'm trying to create a dropdown item in a Bootstrap navbar using Angular 6. My code is working when I test …

angular drop-down-menu bootstrap-4 ng-bootstrap
What is the difference between "ng-bootstrap" and "ngx-bootstrap"?

What is the difference between "ng-bootstrap" and "ngx-bootstrap"? Are they related to each other? Or are they simply concurrent implementations? …

angular ng-bootstrap ngx-bootstrap
How to programmatically close ng-bootstrap modal?

I've got a modal: <template #warningModal let-c="close" let-d="dismiss"> <div class="modal-header"> <button type="…

angular ng-bootstrap
ng-bootstrap Modal size

What is the best way to set/override a custom width for a modal? It seems ng-bootstrap currently supports size: …

angular ng-bootstrap
Dynamic template reference variable inside ngFor (Angular 9)

How to declare a dynamic template reference variable inside a ngFor element? I want to use the popover component from …

angular ng-bootstrap angular-template
Best practice for calling the NgbModal open method

Toying around with the NgbModal and want to trigger the open method -> open(content: string | TemplateRef<any&…

angular modal-dialog ng-bootstrap
stop closing the modal by clicking backdrop or outside the modal

I have used one angular2 ng-bootstrap modal in our code. I want the modal will not close when I click …

angular ng-bootstrap
angular2 ngbdatepicker how to format date in inputfield

I am using ng-bootstrap Datepicker. I wants to format a date displayed in the input field which is model. I …

angular ng-bootstrap
How to configure NgbDropdown to display the selected item from the dropdown

In ng-bootstrap NgbDropdown, how would you display the text of the selected button so that what ever item the user …

angular ng-bootstrap
error TS2307: Cannot find module '@ng-bootstrap/ng-bootstrap'

I added NGBootstrap in angular 5 project. But after sometime it's not working and I am getting below error. Tried to …

angular ng-bootstrap