stop closing the modal by clicking backdrop or outside the modal

Partha Sarathi Ghosh picture Partha Sarathi Ghosh · Jan 3, 2017 · Viewed 41.4k times · Source

I have used one angular2 ng-bootstrap modal in our code.

I want the modal will not close when I click outside the modal. Currently the modal is getting closed while clicking outside.

In angular1 I used to do this by [keyboard]="false" [backdrop]="'static'". But this is time it is not working in angular2.

Here is my plunker

My Open method is as follows:

  open() {
    const modalRef =; = 'World';


Partha Sarathi Ghosh picture Partha Sarathi Ghosh · Jan 11, 2017

As per the answer of @anshuVersatile, I understand we need to use some modal options.

Then I create a object of NgbModalOptions and pass it as second parameter of my open method and it works.

Code is as follows :

let ngbModalOptions: NgbModalOptions = {
      backdrop : 'static',
      keyboard : false
const modalRef =, ngbModalOptions);

Here is the updated plunker.