Top "Ng-bootstrap" questions

A set of Angular 2+ directives based on version 4+ of Twitter Bootstrap's markup and CSS.

Collapse not working in ng-bootstrap and angular 4 app for navbar breadcrumb button

I am using angular 4 and bootstrap 4 beta 2 and ng-bootstrap for my application and also using ng-bootstrap. I have added the …

bootstrap-4 collapse ng-bootstrap twitter-bootstrap-4-beta
How to select NgbTabset tab as active on load?

The "Select an active tab by id" example at shows how to use a …

angular ng-bootstrap
Short way to assign date to ngbDatepicker

I'm using reactive forms in my Angular 2 webapp and I'm having troubles assigning the date to ngbDatepicker (ngbootstrap 1 alpha 6). My …

angular ng-bootstrap
Click listener when tab is clicked - angular2 and ng bootstrap

I have the following html code snippet. I am using angular2, ng-bootstrap ng tab. My question is how do i …

angular tabs ng-bootstrap
Angular 4+ bootstrap NgbAccordion how to expand / collapse all

I've been playing around with angular in combination with ng-bootstrap and I am stumped about the following: I have this …

angular typescript ng-bootstrap
Angular Material: How to close all mat-dialogs and sweet-alerts on logout

I wanted to close all my dialog's (mat-dialog, bootstrap modals & sweet alerts) on logout in Angular. This is how …

angular angular-material ng-bootstrap sweetalert2
Angular2 ng-bootstrap modal components

I have a modal component created with ng-bootstrap like follow (just a body): <template #content let-c="close" let-d="dismiss"&…

angular bootstrap-modal ng-bootstrap
NG-bootstrap Modal Component no provider error

I the ng-bootstrap library for angular 2; in particular i am looking at: Components as content. I've tried to incorporate the …

angular ng-bootstrap
Why is the Bootstrap 4 Navbar always collapsed?

I updated to the v1.0-beta of ng-bootstrap. Now the navbar is always collaped. When I click on the hamburger …

twitter-bootstrap bootstrap-4 ng-bootstrap
Angular 5 ng-bootstrap Type 'ElementRef' is not generic err

I use angular 5 and ng-bootstrap in these versions: "private": true, "dependencies": { "@angular/animations": "^5.2.0", "@angular/common": "^5.2.0", "@angular/compiler": "^5.2.0", "@angular/core": "^5.2.0", "@angular/…

javascript node.js angular angular5 ng-bootstrap