Top "Drop-down-menu" questions

A GUI element, similar to a combobox and a list box, which allows the user to choose one value from a list.

Get selected text from a drop-down list (select box) using jQuery

How can I get the selected text (not the selected value) from a drop-down list in jQuery?

javascript jquery drop-down-menu jquery-selectors
jQuery Get Selected Option From Dropdown

Usually I use $("#id").val() to return the value of the selected option, but this time it doesn't work. The …

javascript html jquery drop-down-menu
How to make Twitter Bootstrap menu dropdown on hover rather than click

I'd like to have my Bootstrap menu automatically drop down on hover, rather than having to click the menu title. …

css drop-down-menu twitter-bootstrap
How can I set the value of a DropDownList using jQuery?

As the question says, how do I set the value of a DropDownList control using jQuery?

jquery drop-down-menu
How to get multiple selected values of select box in php?

I have a html form which has a select list box from which you can select multiple values because its …

php html drop-down-menu combobox html-table
How to style the option of an html "select" element?

Here's my HTML: <select id="ddlProducts" name="ddProducts"> <option>Product1 : Electronics </option> <option&…

html css drop-down-menu
How to create a drop-down list?

How can I create a drop-down list? I've tried a ScrollView but it's not exactly what I need.

android list drop-down-menu android-spinner
How to remove the default arrow icon from a dropdown list (select element)?

I want to remove the dropdown arrow from a HTML <select> element. For example: <select style="width:30…

html css drop-down-menu html-select
How to set a selected option of a dropdown list control using angular JS

I am using Angular JS and I need to set a selected option of a dropdown list control using angular …

angularjs drop-down-menu angular-ngmodel selected
How do I add options to a DropDownList using jQuery?

As the question says, how do I add a new option to a DropDownList using jQuery? Thanks

jquery user-interface drop-down-menu