Top "Angular-cli-v9" questions

Angular 9: Value at position X in the NgModule.imports is not a reference

I upgraded an Angular App from v8 to v9. The project imports a custom UI library using Angular 8 and moment.…

angular deeplink angular-cli-v9
Angular9: ERROR in The target entry-point "@angular/fire/auth" has missing dependencies

When I run npm run start I get the below error regarding firebase. Tech: Angular version 9, Firebase, Firestore, Geofirestore Angular …

angular firebase angularfire angular9 angular-cli-v9
Angular 9 with jsPDF module : Type 'typeof jsPDF' has no construct signatures

Angular 9 Module which has issue jsPDF (installed types + packages itself) When doing ng serve it works When doing ng build …

angular typescript jspdf angular9 angular-cli-v9
angular 9 library publish error "Trying to publish a package that has been compiled by Ivy"

I migrated my angular 8.x.x project to angular 9.x.x and when I try to publish my library, it …

angular angular-cli angular-library angular-cli-v9
Angular 9 : NullInjectorError: No provider for CompilerFactory

Get the message when running the app in browser prod/aot mode. Below is my main-aot.ts Uncaught NullInjectorError: StaticInjectorError(…

angular angular-cli-v9