I am just starting to learn OpenGL today from this tutorial: http://openglbook.com/the-book/ I got to chapter 2, where …
opengl vbo vertex-array vaoI was recently writing some OpenGL 3.3 code with Vertex Array Objects (VAO) and tested it later on Intel graphics adapter …
opengl intel nvidia opengl-3 vertex-arrayWhich is the best way (lowest memory, fastest speed) to texture a cube? after a while i have find this …
opengl textures vertex-arrayI'm trying to draw a terrain with GL_TRIANGLE_STRIP and glDrawElements but I'm having a really hard time understanding …
opengl vertex-buffer vertex-array indicesI'm currently using the GLTools classes that come along with the Superbible 5th edition. I'm looking in the GLTriangleBatch class …
opengl collision-detection vertex vertex-buffer vertex-arrayI'm working on making some moderately simple shapes with vertex arrays, and I'm making some good headway, but now I …
opengl polygon jogl vertex-array