Top "Spring-cloud" questions

Spring Cloud provides tools to quickly build common patterns in distributed systems (e.g. configuration management, service discovery, circuit breaker, intelligent routing, micro-proxy, control bus, global locks, leadership election, distributed sessions).

Spring Cloud Stream message from/to JSON conversion configuration

I am using Spring Cloud Stream, with RabbitMQ binder. It works great with byte[] payload and Java native serialization, but …

json spring-cloud spring-rabbit spring-cloud-stream
Spring Cloud Gateway inject header

In the GatewayFilter, I am trying to inject a header into the request like below. @Override public Mono<Void&…

spring-cloud spring-cloud-gateway
Why is ZUUL forcing a SEMAPHORE isolation to execute its Hystrix commands?

I noticed Spring-Cloud ZUUL forces the execution isolation to SEMAPHORE instead of the THREAD defaults (as recommended by Netflix). A …

spring-cloud netflix-zuul
Creating custom Zuul filters

I want to implement custom filters for my Zuul proxy. Now, I know there has been a lot of talking …

spring spring-cloud netflix netflix-eureka netflix-zuul
Spring Cloud Consul Config over Spring Cloud Config

I'm having a real tough time with this one. We want to use Spring Cloud Consul for service discovery and …

spring spring-cloud
Spring Cloud Config Server Priority of Environment Variables

I have a question regarding the priority of environment variables when working with spring cloud config server In my service …

java spring spring-boot spring-cloud spring-cloud-config
Best way to pass custom headers along with Sleuth X-B3* headers

As per the README here , I am using the following configuration to pass x-vcap-request-id and x-vcap-group-id from one application to …

spring spring-cloud spring-cloud-sleuth
Can a Spring Cloud Feign client share interface with an Spring Web Controller?

Building an endpoint and client with Spring MVC and Feign Client (with spring cloud). I had the thought that since …

spring-cloud netflix-feign
Difference between Ribbon circuit breaker and Hystrix

I'm giving a try to Spring Cloud and Spring Boot. It uses Netflix OSS Applications, among them there are Ribbon …

spring-boot spring-cloud hystrix netflix netflix-ribbon
Should it be possible to use @EnableFeignClients on a BootstrapConfiguration?

I'd like to use a feign client from a PropertySourceLocator which has to be registered during bootstrap. I have the …

spring-cloud netflix-feign