Spring Cloud provides tools to quickly build common patterns in distributed systems (e.g. configuration management, service discovery, circuit breaker, intelligent routing, micro-proxy, control bus, global locks, leadership election, distributed sessions).
first i had a small issue with this class brave.sampler.Sampler could not import this class, only imported when …
java spring-boot spring-cloud zipkin spring-cloud-sleuthSpring cloud config server supports reading property files with name ${spring.application.name}.properties. However I have 2 properties files in …
spring-cloud spring-cloud-configI am using spring cloud eureka and spring cloud zuul proxy and i was wondering if there is any way …
spring-boot spring-cloud netflix-eureka netflix-zuulWe have an infrastructure with service discovery and load balancing (i.e. server side with STM and weblogic cluster). Now …
spring-cloud netflix netflix-eureka netflix-zuul@ClassRule public static WireMockRule wireMockRule = new WireMockRule(9898); @Test public void createXmlFile() { stubFor(get(urlPathEqualTo("/data/racing/")) .willReturn(aResponse() .withBody(loadJSONFile("…
spring-cloud wiremock spring-cloud-contractI have got the below setup in which my Eureka server is running and few services created and registered with …
java spring spring-cloud netflix-zuul hystrixI am using <dependency> <groupId>org.springframework.cloud</groupId> <artifactId>spring-cloud-netflix</…
spring-cloud spring-cloud-netflix netflix-ribbonTo familiarize myself with Spring Cloud's Eureka client/server mechanism, I try to connect a client to the Eureka server …
spring spring-boot service-discovery spring-cloud netflix-eurekaHow to eliminate the following message on Eureka server dashboard? Will it cause any issue to my services? EMERGENCY! EUREKA …
java spring spring-cloud netflix-eureka spring-cloud-netflixI am using spring cloud to configure microservices. I used Jhipster to generate the application. I have three applications JHipster-Registry, …
jhipster spring-cloud spring-cloud-netflix jhipster-registry