Top "Sonar-runner" questions

Default utility tool to launch a Sonar analysis without any dependency on third party tool like Maven, Ant, ...

Running a Sonar Analysis from the Dashboard

Is there a way to run a Sonar 5.1.1 Analysis completely in the Dashboard GUI? If not what are the steps …

sonarqube sonar-runner sonarqube5.1
SonarQube - how is it used

I have a simple problem, with a simple answer probably, but I can't find what is it. We want to …

sonarqube checkstyle sonar-runner software-quality
Sonar Analysis using Jenkins can't find executable

I'm trying to trigger a sonar analysis of an android application through Jenkins and the Sonar Runner plugin. I've added …

jenkins jenkins-plugins sonar-runner
How to resolve "HttpException: Error 413" (SonarQube)

I've recently installed the latest version of Jenkins, SonarQube 6.0 (running on a separate server) and when the Jenkins job attempts …

jenkins sonarqube sonar-runner sonarqube-scan
How to permanently ignore a false positive in SonarQube rule violation

How does a developer ( or for that matter any authorized user ) ignore a specific coding rule violation when Sonar throws …

sonarqube sonar-runner false-positive
How to configure Sonarqube for PHP projects?

Trying to setup Sonarqube for PHP code base for codecoverage analysis. I have modified the file with the …

php sonarqube sonar-runner
How to execute SonarQube Runner from Bamboo?

I have setup SonarQube in Azure Virtual Machine. sonarqube-5.4 MSBuild.SonarQube.Runner-2.0 SonarQube website at 9000 port is up and running. (…

azure sonarqube bamboo sonar-runner sonarqube-5.4
Is it possible to tell Sonar the project name from the command line?

With each project created at my company, a new naming convention is used in Sonar. So some projects have their …

sonarqube sonar-runner
Can't run sonar-scanner inside docker container: Permission denied

I'm trying to build a custom docker image with CI purposes (bitbucket pipelines). After build and test my code, I …

docker sonarqube sonar-runner
Error while executing Sonarqube analysis " Insufficient privileges"

I am trying to analyse java code through sonarqube. We have created a sonarqube server in our local environment and …

sonarqube sonar-runner sonarqube-scan