Top "Software-quality" questions

Software quality reflects how well a software conforms to given requirements (functional and non-functional), how much it shows characteristics like reliability, efficiency, security, maintainability.

QA vs Development Ratio

I am working as a software developer and I had a quarrel today with our QA team about the following: …

software-quality qa
What are good ways to test a login page?

I get asked this question very frequently in my interviews. They draw username and password text fields and ask me …

testing integration-testing software-quality
How should one measure Defect Density?

Is there a standard way of measuring Defect Density? Most sites online state that it should be measured as: number …

software-quality defects
Is it possible exclude test directories from reports?

I'm kind of a rookie with python unit testing, and particularly Is it desirable to have coverage reports …

python testing software-quality code-coverage
Manual testing Vs Automated testing

Testing can be mainly classified into manual and automated testing. With regard to this certain questions come to mind. They …

testing automated-tests software-quality manual-testing exclude files

How do I exclude entire files from reports? According to the documentation you can exclude code by matching …

python testing software-quality code-coverage
How do I go about building a test plan for our QA department?

We are currently preparing our testing department for a new release of our latest project. We would obviously like them …

testing qa software-quality
FindBugs - "may fail to close stream" when using ObjectOutputStream

I have this piece of code, which is to write an Ojbect to a byte array stream: static byte[] toBytes(…

java stream findbugs software-quality
Software Development Costs Pyramid

A friend was telling me the other day that there is a pyramid for the costs of fixing a problem …

How would you measure code "quality" across a large project

I'm working on a quite large project, a few years in the making, at a pretty large company, and I'm …
