Top "Sonar-runner" questions

Default utility tool to launch a Sonar analysis without any dependency on third party tool like Maven, Ant, ...

Multi module project analysis with SonarQube

SonarQube Server 5.1.2, Sonar-Runner 2.4 As provide in Multi-moduleProject i have created a project structure as Accounts | ->invoice | ->…

sonarqube sonar-runner sonarqube5.1
SonarQube Runner vs Scanner

What is the difference btw Sonar Runner and Sonar Scanner?. And which version of "Sonarqube" and Sonar runner is required …

sonarqube sonar-runner
Exclude packages from Jacoco report using Sonarrunner and Gradle

Is there a way to exclude packages from SonarQube(instrumented by gradle + sonar-runner) coverage reports(generated by jacoco) without excluding …

gradle jacoco sonar-runner
Sonarqube authorization - how to authorize with sonar-maven-plugin when sonar.forceAuthentication is enabled

I've got sonarqube 6.5 with default configs. When sonar.forceAuthentication flag is set to false, I can create and analyse project …

sonarqube authorization sonar-runner sonarqube-scan runner
Directory excluding in file doesn't work (for me)

I have excluded the directory in my project properties but sonar doesn't exclude it. Can anyone help me to find …

sonarqube sonar-runner
What does the "leak period" mean in sonarQube?

I'm new in SonarQube I started reading documentation but a lot of time a found "The leak period" but I …

java sonarqube sonar-runner
Either log or rethrow this exception

Possible duplicate of Sonar complaining about logging and rethrowing the exception. This is my code in a class: try { this.…

java android sonarqube code-analysis sonar-runner
Error in jenkins during sonar analysis caused by svn blame

When i run the jenkins task i get the following error 17:12:49.738 INFO - Sensor SCM Sensor... 17:12:49.847 INFO - SCM provider …

svn tortoisesvn sonarqube sonar-runner
SonarQube plugin with Android Studio

Has anyone succeeded in getting either the SonarQube Community IntelliJ plugin OR the 'official' SonarQube IntelliJ plugin to show results …

android intellij-idea android-studio sonarqube sonar-runner
sonarqube typescript plugin: "You must install a plugin that supports the language"

I'm trying to setup SonarQube to analyse my TypeScript project using this plugin: However, I'm …

typescript sonarqube sonar-runner