Top "Runner" questions

A cron job for rails: best practices?

What's the best way to run scheduled tasks in a Rails environment? Script/runner? Rake? I would like to run …

ruby-on-rails rake daemon cron runner
Sonarqube authorization - how to authorize with sonar-maven-plugin when sonar.forceAuthentication is enabled

I've got sonarqube 6.5 with default configs. When sonar.forceAuthentication flag is set to false, I can create and analyse project …

sonarqube authorization sonar-runner sonarqube-scan runner
Runner in Ruby on Rails

What is script/runner? What is a runner? How do I use runner on a Ruby file? What are all …

ruby-on-rails runner
what does gulp-"cli" stands for?

Can someone please explain what exactly are the differences between the following two methods of gulp installation: $ npm install --global …

gulp task runner
Turn some print off in python unittest

Im using unittest and it prints ".", "E" or "F" for "ok", "error" and "fail" after each test it does. How …

python unit-testing runner