Top "Sonarqube-scan" questions

SonarQube Scanners run the analyzers on code.

How to correctly configure the property ""?

We are using SonarQube 5.1.2 using Ant runner 2.2 and Java pluging 3.12 for the analysis. I can succesfully analyse my project. I …

java sonarqube sonar-runner sonarqube5.1 sonarqube-scan
Sonarqube is not showing code coverage after running

I'm running sonarqube with maven. I have installed it using following way. Using brew, I installed mysql and sonar. When …

maven intellij-idea sonarqube jacoco sonarqube-scan
Sonar - Unable to load component class org.sonar.scanner.scan.ProjectLock

I have some issues while running Sonar on my netbeans' project. It's not working and i have the following error : …

sonarqube sonar-runner sonarqube-scan
Using waitForQualityGate in a Jenkins declarative pipeline

The following SonarQube (6.3) analysis stage in a declarative pipeline in Jenkins 2.50 is failing with this error in the console log: …

jenkins sonarqube jenkins-plugins jenkins-pipeline sonarqube-scan
Sonarqube authorization - how to authorize with sonar-maven-plugin when sonar.forceAuthentication is enabled

I've got sonarqube 6.5 with default configs. When sonar.forceAuthentication flag is set to false, I can create and analyse project …

sonarqube authorization sonar-runner sonarqube-scan runner
NOSONAR tag to ignore an invalid issue still shows as an issue

I have the below method which is showing a sonar issue saying the method is not used anywhere. @Provides @ObjectMapperAnnotation …

java sonarqube guice sonarqube5.1 sonarqube-scan
SonarQube analysis mode: preview vs issues

Which are the key differences between these preview and issues modes of SonarQube (greater than 5.2) analysis? Considering http://docs.sonarqube.…

sonarqube sonarqube-scan
Unknown stage section "withSonarQubeEnv"

I am experimenting using Pipeline jobs with the Blue Ocean beta plugin enabled on our Jenkins server. We have a …

jenkins sonarqube jenkins-pipeline sonarqube-scan
Sonarqube integration and startSonar.bat failed Error(0x2)

Yesterday I started a new Unreal Engine Project on Visual Studio Team Service, I decided to learn by myself the …

java visual-studio sonarqube sonarqube-scan
How to react on SonarQube Quality Gate within Jenkins Pipeline

Within my Jenkins Pipeline I need to react on the SonarQube Quality Gate. Is there an easier way to achieve …

jenkins sonarqube jenkins-pipeline sonarqube-scan