Top "Sonar-runner" questions

Default utility tool to launch a Sonar analysis without any dependency on third party tool like Maven, Ant, ...

Sonar runner: JAVA_HOME exists but does not point to a valid Java home folder

Situation : I installed Sonarqube on a Win XP 32-bit system. I set all paths as instructed. The server opens up …

java sonarqube sonar-runner
How can I run sonar analysis with a user with no home directory: unable to create user /dev/null/.sonar/cache

I have sonarqube server 4.0 and sonar-ant-task-2.1. My sonar target runs fine on my local RHEL 5 machine but as soon as …

sonarqube sonar-runner
Jenkins cannot connect to SonarQube server using HTTPS (HTTP + SSL) with self-signed certificate

I use SonarQube version 5.3 and I'm trying to set it up with Jenkins. I used this tutorial: Analyzing with SonarQube …

jenkins sonarqube sonar-runner sonarqube5.3
Sonar properties with environment variables

Can we refer to environment variables in For example: sonar.libraries=${env:WL_HOME}/server/lib/weblogic.jar …

sonarqube sonar-runner
Unsupported major.minor version Exception for sonar-scanner

I am trying to analyze my source code using SonarQube. I am trying to use sonar-scanner as my tool to …

java sonarqube sonar-runner
Running Sonar from command line without a SonarQube server

I need to perform some static analysis of java classes from command line To extract basic metrics and I was …

sonarqube sonar-runner
Properties file exclude multiple paths

I have a file, which specifies how sonar-runner inspects the the folder structure, which files to inspect, which …

node.js properties sonarqube code-coverage sonar-runner
Sonar SCM failure no blame data on line 1

I'm running into some problems executing sonar analysis (Sonar Runner v2.4 and SonarQube 5.0) with SVN on a Windows 7 machine. I …

svn sonarqube sonar-runner blame
Disabling SCM in doesn't work

It seems that adding sonar.scm.disabled=true to the conf doesn't not work. The sonar-scanner will report the following …

java sonarqube sonar-runner sonarqube5.6
Sonar scanner with Maven and JDK 11

I can make Sonar scanner work with OpenJDK 8 but not with OpenJDK 11. The Maven command used is: mvn clean org.…

sonarqube maven-3 sonarqube-scan sonar-runner java-11