Top "Sonar-runner" questions

Default utility tool to launch a Sonar analysis without any dependency on third party tool like Maven, Ant, ...

See history of Sonar analyses in SonarQube

I am triggering a Sonar analysis from Jenkins whenever a user commits any change to any branch of my project. …

sonarqube sonar-runner sonarqube-scan sonarlint
Exception handlers should preserve the original exception : Either log or rethrow this exception

This is my method, when I try to analyze my code by sonarQube am getting this error: Exception handlers should …

java sonarqube sonar-runner sonarqube-5.0 sonarqube5.1
Get link to Sonar dashboard in Jenkins when calling 'gradle sonarRunner'

With the Jenkins build step Invoke Standalone Sonar Analysis (which is available via the Sonar plugin) you get this nice …

jenkins gradle sonarqube sonar-runner
sonar runner SocketTimeoutException when running

i was working with sonar and everything was working just fine. then after a month or so not using it …

sonarqube sonar-runner