Top "Rgb" questions

RGB stands for Red-Green-Blue and specifies a color using three values, which represent the respective amount of red, green, and blue in the color.

Default UIColor of iPhone Navigation Bar

Can anyone tell me the RGB for the default iPhone navigation bar blue? I know that you can normally set …

iphone rgb uicolor navigationbar
Script (or some other means) to convert RGB to CMYK in PDF?

Is it possible to write a script for Adobe Illustrator or some other tool that will read the contents of …

pdf rgb ghostscript adobe-illustrator cmyk
Fast RGB Thresholding in Python (possibly some smart OpenCV code?)

I need to do some fast thresholding of a large amount of images, with a specific range for each of …

python opencv rgb threshold
C# convert RGB value to CMYK using an ICC profile?

this question seems posted at many places over the interwebs and SO, but I could not find a satisfactory answer :( …

c# printing colors rgb cmyk
How to pick good contrast RGB colors programmatically?

Suppose, in your program: color A is a color we randomly select Knowing color A, how can I pick a …

colors rgb
C++ Getting RGB from hBitmap

Working with bitmaps is very new to me so I've been really struggling with the online tutorials and strategies that …

c++ rgb pixel scanning hbitmap
How to convert a RGB image (3 channel) to grayscale (1 channel) and save it?

Working with a deep learning project and I have a lot of images, that don't need to have colors. I …

python python-3.x image rgb grayscale
Determine whether an image is Grayscale in Matlab

I'm writing a function which can take an image and perform specific smoothing tasks on. At the very beginning of …

matlab rgb grayscale
Algorithm to Switch Between RGB and HSB Color Values

I read the article Algorithm to Switch Between RGB and HSB Color Values Type RGBColor Red As Byte Green As …

c# colors rgb hsb
Display YUV in OpenGL

I am having trouble displaying a raw YUV file that it is in NV12 format. I can display a selected …

objective-c opengl rgb yuv