Top "Rgb" questions

RGB stands for Red-Green-Blue and specifies a color using three values, which represent the respective amount of red, green, and blue in the color.

Converting an RGBW color to a standard RGB/HSB representation

I am building an interface for light management in a home automation system. I managed to control standard on/off …

colors rgb hsb color-theory
Converting RGB to HLS and back

I'm using python's colorsys library to convert RGB color values to HLS. Just to verify, I tried converting back to …

python colors rgb color-space
Converting 8 bit color into RGB value

I'm implementing global illumination in my game engine with "reflective shadow maps". RSM has i.a. color texture. To save …

colors bit-manipulation rgb 8-bit
Getting black plots with plt.imshow after multiplying RGB image array by a scalar

So I am a bit confused as to why this is happening. I have a binary image: Now I want …

python matplotlib rgb imshow
How can I create a YUV422 frame from a JPEG or other image on Ubuntu

I want to create a sample YUV422 Frame on Ubuntu from any image so I can code a YUV422 to …

ubuntu image-processing rgb yuv imagemagick-convert
Color spaces, gamma and image enhancement

Color space. Well, everybody knows about RGB: three values normalized in the range [0.0,1.0], which have the meaning of the intensity …

opengl rgb gamma srgb gamma-distribution
Convert RGB array to Mat (OpenCv)

I've been trying to convert an array [R,G,B,..] in Mat object with opencv. But is returning wrong data, …

c opencv rgb mat
android convert from rgb to hsv and viceversa

someone can explain why the conversion from rgb to hsv doesn't give the same result when convert back from hsv …

android colors rgb hsv
Fast RGB => YUV conversion in OpenCL

I know the following formula can be used to convert RGB images to YUV images. In the following formula, R, …

alignment rgb opencl yuv
Converting RGBA image to Grayscale Golang

I'm currently working on a program to convert and RGBA image to grayscale. I asked a question earlier and was …

go colors rgb image-manipulation grayscale