Top "Rgb" questions

RGB stands for Red-Green-Blue and specifies a color using three values, which represent the respective amount of red, green, and blue in the color.

how to use Kinect with openni and opencv

for the beginning, I just need to capture the RGBstream and convert it in a sequence of opencv image. it …

c++ opencv kinect rgb openni
PIL's colour space conversion YCbCr -> RGB

The algorithm used by PIL v1.1.7 gives 'washed out' looking results. When converting the same source data using ffmpeg it …

python c python-imaging-library rgb yuv
Converting RGB data into a bitmap in Objective-C++ Cocoa

I have a buffer of RGB unsigned char that I would like converted into a bitmap file, does anyone know …

objective-c cocoa bitmap rgb objective-c++
Mixing two RGB color vectors to get resultant

I am trying to mix two source RGB vectors to create a third "resultant vector" that is an intuitive mix …

math colors rgb vector paint
Convert RGB to light frequency

Is it possible to obtain the light frequency of a colour from a RGB representation? I've found the opposite process [1] …

algorithm colors physics rgb frequency
rawvideo and rgb32 values passed to FFmpeg

I'm converting a file to PNG format using this call: ffmpeg.exe -vframes 1 -vcodec rawvideo -f rawvideo -pix_fmt rgb32 …

image video ffmpeg rgb rgba
Converting from YUV colour space to RGB using OpenCV

I am trying to convert a YUV image to RGB using OpenCV. I am a complete novice at this. I …

opencv image-processing rgb yuv
How is a convolution calculated on an image with three (RGB) channels?

Say we have a single channel image (5x5) A = [ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 2 1 4 5 6 3 4 5 6 7 4 3 4 5 6 2 ] And a filter K (2x2) K = [ 1 1 1 1 ] An example of applying convolution (…

rgb matrix-multiplication convolution dot-product
bufferedImage.getRGB(x, y) does not yield alpha

I've got a BufferedImage i and I'd like to get the Color from a certain pixel of that image including …

java colors rgb bufferedimage
How to generate random pastel (or brighter) color in Javascript?

I am building a simple website that gives a random quote when I click a button, and with that, the …

javascript css random colors rgb