Top "Rgb" questions

RGB stands for Red-Green-Blue and specifies a color using three values, which represent the respective amount of red, green, and blue in the color.

How can I get the matplotlib rgb color, given the colormap name, BoundryNorm, and 'c='?

How can I get the matplotlib rgb value for a number, NUM, given: A colormap ('autumn_r' which is yellow-to-red …

python matplotlib rgb colormap
RGB to HSL and back, calculation problems

I'm trying to convert RGB to HSL and I also want to convert from HSL to RGB, I have written …

c# colors rgb hsl
RGB to HSL conversion

I'm creating a Color Picker tool and for the HSL slider, I need to be able to convert RGB to …

colors converter rgb hsl
Why doesn't this Javascript RGB to HSL code work?

I found this RGB to HSL script over at I can't find any other small …

javascript colors rgb hsl
What are the ranges of coordinates in the CIELAB color space?

I have the following piece of code: public List<Tuple<double, double, double>> GetNormalizedPixels(Bitmap image) { …

colors range rgb cielab
How do I write/create a GeoTIFF RGB image file in python?

I have 5 numpy arrays of shape nx, ny lons.shape = (nx,ny) lats.shape = (nx,ny) reds.shape = (nx,ny) …

python numpy rgb gdal geotiff
convert Integers to RGB values and back with Python

I have two functions, one to return RGB values from a given Integer, and the other function does the reverse, …

python colors integer rgb argb
Convert Android camera2 api YUV_420_888 to RGB

I am writing an app that takes the camera feed, converts it to rgb, in order to do some processing. …

android android-camera android-5.0-lollipop rgb yuv
Extract RGB Values From UIColor

I have seen people do this in objective-c, but I am having trouble with this in swift. I have gotten …

ios swift swift3 rgb uicolor
Programmatically choose high-contrast colors

This should be a simple question, but I haven't been able to find a way to make it work. Essentially, …

random colors rgb