Top "Hsl" questions

HSV is cylindrical color model that determines colors by hue (0°-360°), saturation (color intensity) and lightness (from black over the color to white).

HSL to RGB color conversion

I am looking for an algorithm to convert between HSL color to RGB. It seems to me that HSL is …

algorithm colors rgb hsl
CSS: lighten an element on hover

Assuming an element is at 100% saturation, opacity, etc... how can I have its background become slightly lighter when it is …

css opacity rgba hsl
CSS Filter as a color modifier for one image

Is it possible to change, with the CSS Filter methods like HueRotate, Saturation, and Brightness, the color of a PNG …

css hsl

I am making a Color class as a part of a very basic graphics API in c++. So I decided …

c++ colors hsv hsl hsb
Color Theory: How to convert Munsell HVC to RGB/HSB/HSL

I'm looking at at document that describes the standard colors used in dentistry to describe the color of a tooth. …

colors rgb hsl hsb color-theory
RGB to HSL and back, calculation problems

I'm trying to convert RGB to HSL and I also want to convert from HSL to RGB, I have written …

c# colors rgb hsl
RGB to HSL conversion

I'm creating a Color Picker tool and for the HSL slider, I need to be able to convert RGB to …

colors converter rgb hsl
Convert HSB/HSV color to HSL

Ho do I convert HSB color to HSL? Photoshop shows HSB color in its color picker. HSL color can be …

javascript colors hsv hsl hsb
Why doesn't this Javascript RGB to HSL code work?

I found this RGB to HSL script over at I can't find any other small …

javascript colors rgb hsl
OpenCV C++: Convert RGBA to HSL and then split channels

For some image segmentation work I'd like to use the lightness channel of an image in HSL color space. To …

c++ opencv colors hsl