Top "Hsl" questions

HSV is cylindrical color model that determines colors by hue (0°-360°), saturation (color intensity) and lightness (from black over the color to white).

Algorithm for Hue/Saturation Adjustment Layer from Photoshop

Does anyone know how adjustment layers work in Photoshop? I need to generate a result image having a source image …

image-processing colors photoshop rgb hsl
HEX to HSL convert javascript

Hello I'm trying to create HEX to HSL converter function. I know that at first I should convert HEX to …

javascript colors string-parsing hsl
PHP function to convert HSL to RGB or Hex

Does anyone know a PHP function (for >5.3) which can convert an HSL color to either RGB or Hex? I've …

php css hsl
Faster algorithm to change Hue/Saturation/Lightness in a bitmap

I am trying to filter a Bitmap image to increase or decrease Hue, Saturation, and Lightness values. My code is …

c# .net bitmap hsl
Converting from RGB to HSL with Objective C

I'm quite new to objective c but have been programming for a while. I started creating a function that would …

iphone objective-c rgb hsl
How do you lightness thresh hold with HSL on OpenCV?

There is a project that im working on which required the color white detection, after some research i decided to …

python opencv image-processing colors hsl
OpenCV HLS color space range

Look my code, why the second line in console is 170 10 121. H is 170, S is 10, but why L is 121. Because L …

opencv mat hsl
How can I generate a rainbow circle using HTML5 canvas?

I would like to generate a canvas image using gradients in some clever way. I would like the image to …

javascript canvas rgb color-space hsl