RGB stands for Red-Green-Blue and specifies a color using three values, which represent the respective amount of red, green, and blue in the color.
Is there any way to know in advance if an image used as an input to a system is in …
java opencv image-processing rgb bgrI have a greyscale TIF File. I need to convert it to RGB/ read from it in a way I …
python python-imaging-library rgb grayscaleHow do I convert the RGB values of a pixel to a single monochrome value?
colors rgb monochromeI want to make a conversion from hexadecimal to RGB, but the hexadecimal deal with a string like #FFFFFF. How …
objective-c ios cocoa-touch hex rgbI've been trying to tackle a YUV422 into a RGB conversion problem for about a week. I've visited many different …
c++ image-processing opencv rgb yuvI have a loaded Bitmap which I would like to convert to set the config to Bitmap.Config.RGB_565. Is …
android bitmap rgb bitmapfactoryI have written a function which converts an Image from RGB > HSV. However, when I save the new image …
python python-imaging-library rgb hsv